DAY 1 – Thursday May 19
The Powerpoint presentations can be downloaded at the pages of the individual speakers.
Due to technical problems the first session is not recorded.
Welcome by Dr. Cecile aan de Stegge
Session 1: Dr. Hannah Zeavin
Session 2: Dr. Ian Marsh and Dr. Chris Millard
session 2
COMMENT on Dr. Ian Marsh’ lecture by Dr. Georgina Laragy. Starts 31.23 until 46.49
Dr. Chris Millard, “Suicide, Attempted Suicide, and Self-Harm in Twentieth-Century Britain: Historical, Institutional and Conceptual Confusion.” Starts 48.15 until 1.12.40
Questions from the audience. Starts 1.13.16 until 1.30.16
DAY 2 – Friday May 20
Session 3
Starts 10.51
Dr. Lyndsay Galpin. Starts 11.31 until 32.50
Dr. Sarah Chaney. Starts 33.45 until 54.42
Dr. Catharina Th. Bakker. Starts 55.21 until 1.17.30
10:30 – 11:00: Q&A 1.18.48 – 2.00.00
Session 4
Introduction Dr. Anneloes van Staa 2.03.39
Dr. Saskia Mérelle, “Challenges Faced by Nurses and Physicians in Acute Care for Patients who Attempted Suicide.” Starts 2.05.00 until 2.23.41
Dr. Cecile aan de Stegge, “Nurses in General Hospitals: What Knowledge and Skills Do They say to Need?” Starts 2.24.10 until 2.44.36
Lotte Luijendijk, “Keep an Eye on Suicidality: An Intervention to Do this Better.” Starts 2.45.25 until 3.02.55
Nadia Lubbers, “Suicide Prevention at the University of Applied Sciences in Leiden.” Starts 3.27.05 until 3.35.00
Session 5
Introduction Dr. Cecile aan de Stegge Starts 4.38 until 4.39
Prof. Dr. David Healy, “Caught in the Firing Line: Nurse Prescribers as Human Shields.” Starts 4.39-35 until 5.13.00 (Q&A included)
Dr. Igor van Laere, “Homelessness, Ill Health and Death: Street Medicine Lessons from a Personal Perspective”. Starts 5.14.55 until 5.39.45
Dr. Wouter Kusters, “On Accidental and Essential Suicides. Some reflections on philosophy, madness and the act of suicide.” Starts 5.40.15 until 6.03.45
Q&A for Igor van Laere and Wouter Kusters Starts 6.03.46 until 6.17.00
Session 6
Introducion by Prof. dr. Manon Parry. Starts 6.45.02 until 6.46.39
Carine Neefjes, “Suicide in the Collection of the Museum of the Mind in Haarlem”. Starts 6.46.40 until 7.33.59
Q & A for Carine and Jantien Starts 7.14.14. until 7.20.05
Dr. Mieneke te Hennepe, “(Nursing) History in the Collections of the Rijksmuseum Boerhaave.” Starts 7.20.00 until 7.42.30
Hugo Schalkwijk, “On Nursing Collections and Projects in The Netherlands.” Starts 7.43.23 until 8.06.42
Q&A for Mieneke & Hugo Starts 8.07.14 until 8.17.20
Dr. Catharina Th. Bakker, “Proclaiming (for the First Time) the Prize for the Best Historic Bachelor or Master Thesis on ‘History in Nursing’ of the Netherlands and Flanders 2020-2021”. Starts 8.18.40 until 8.25.
The prize winner Tim Debroyer (Catholic University Leuven) about his thesis. The end of tuberculosis? Starts 8.26.30 until 8.33.13.
DAY 3 – Saturday May 21
Session 7
Introduction Dr. Cecile aan de Stegge Starts 3.26
Dr. Bart Debyser and Dr. Annelies Verkest, “Shifting between Hope and Uncertainty. Expectations of Family Members and Nurses’ Experiences supporting Inpatients with Suicidal Ideations.” Starts 4.40 until 30.22
Caressa van Hoe, “Engagement between Adults Living through Suicidal Crisis and Nurses in Mental Health Wards.” Starts 31.32 until 53.05
Q&A plus Comment by Dr. Ian Marsh. Starts 54.24 until 1.33.07
Session 8
Prof dr. Sarah Waters: “Short Introduction to the theme.” Starts 1.59.20 until 2.08.42
Alison van Laar, “The Impact of Service User’s Suicides on Mental Health Professionals.” Starts 2.09.34 until 2.30.20
Prof. dr. Julie Gottlieb, “Suicide and Times of Crisis: Lessons of History for the Covid Pandemic.” Starts 2.31.40 until 2.57.18
Prof. dr. Manon S. Parry and Dr. Cecile aan de Stegge: “Brief Concluding Remarks”. Starts 3.41.58 until 3.29.45