Dr. Eva Yampolsky

Senior Researcher at the Institute for the Humanities in Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital & University of Lausanne, Switzerland


Eva Yampolsky is a historian of medicine, and of psychiatry in particular. She is currently a senior researcher at the Institute for the Humanities in Medicine, in Eva Yampolsky is a historian of medicine, and of psychiatry in particular. She is currently a senior researcher at the Institute for the Humanities in Medicine, in Lausanne (CHUV & University of Lausanne). Her PhD thesis (University of Lausanne, 2019) focused on the history of suicide as a psychiatric issue, in 19th-century France, namely its theoretical, therapeutic and preventive dimensions, as they are developed in psychiatric studies. She is preparing the publication of a book on this subject. Currently, Eva Yampolsky is the lead researcher in an interdisciplinary pilot project at the Palliative Care Unit at the Lausanne University Hospital, exploring the role of personal resources of nurses in the care for dying patients. She participates regularly in suicide prevention events, teaches a course at University of Lausanne School of medicine on suicide prevention, and is a member of the Groupe Romand Prévention Suicide. She has published numerous articles on the history of suicide and its prevention.

Recent and forthcoming publications

La folie du suicide. Une histoire de la mort volontaire comme objet médical au 19e siècle en France, Lausanne, BHMS, forthcoming.

Avec Frédéric Balard et Murielle Pott, « Suicide among the elderly in France and Switzerland: What does the societal context tell us about the place of relatives? », Death Studies, may 2021. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2021.1926634

«La lecture et la mort: Le suicide et le pouvoir contagieux de la littérature», L’Esprit Créateur, vol. 61, no. 1, 2021, p. 109-122. DOI : 10.1353/esp.2021.0008.

Avec Howard I. Kushner, «Morality, mental illness, and the prevention of suicide», Social Epistemology, numéro spécial édité par Katrina Jaworski et Ian Marsh, février 2020.

Avec Marc Renneville, « Histoires de la pathologie du suicide », Criminocorpus [En ligne], La pathologie du suicide, Présentation de la journée d’étude, mis en ligne le 14 mai 2018. URL : journals.openedition.org/criminocorpus/3775

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