Professor in Psychiatry, Head of the Department of Psychiatry in Leiden University Medical Centre

Prof dr Albert van Hemert is professor in Psychiatry and head of the department of Psychiatry of Leiden University Medical Centre. He has been trained in Psychiatry and Epidemiology. His active interest in suicidal behavior stems for the time headed the 7×24-hour emergency service of The Hague and surroundings (2003-2011). Since this time he has been closely following the trend of Dutch suicide numbers. He chaired the workinggroup of the Dutch Multidisciplinary Guideline for diagnosis and treaatment of suicidaal behavior and of the Suicideprevention programcommittee of the national funding agency ZonMW.
- Jongkind M, Braam AW, de Beurs DP, van Hemert AM (2022). Assessment of suicidality with the CASE Approach: the design revisisted. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, in press.
- van Hemert, A.M. (2019). Multidisciplinary guidelines. In: van Heeringen, K. Portzky, G., de Beurs, D., Kerkhof, A (eds.). Handbook of suicidal behavior. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Van Hemert, A.M (2017). Suicidality. In: Bak, M., Domen, P., van Os, J (red.). Innovative textbook of personal psychiatry. Leusden: Diagnosis Uitgevers.
- Kerkhof, A.J., van Hemert, A.M. (2013). Suicide prevention: guidelines for timely and well-organised help. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 157(30), A5730.
- van Hemert AM, Kerkhof AJFM, de Keijser J, Verwey B, van Boven C, Hummelen JW, de Groot MH, Lucassen P, Meerdinkveldboom J, Steendam M, Stringer B, Verlinde AA & van de Glind G (2012). Multidisciplinary Guideline for diagnosis and treaatment of suicidaal behavior. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
- van Hemert A.M., de Kruif M. (2009). Decreasing incidence of suicide in the Netherlands, with changing methods. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 153, 1102-7
- Burger, I., van Hemert, A.M., Schudel, W.J., Middelkoop, B.J. (2009). Suicidal behavior in four ethnic groups in the Hague, 2002-2004. Crisis, 30(2), 63-7.